Jane vo Palchin (Hindi)
‘Jane wo palchin’ - a Hindi poetry book takes you into those moments when you are in love, compassion, breakup, things which happen around you and finally the world of spiritualism. It talks about relations, river, drops, rain, hills, unknown, migration, joy, sorrow and many moods. A hindi poetry book for all age groups. The book has been divided into 7 parts. Poems on Spiritual feelings, Truth based, LOVE, Separation, Ghazal, Geet and short poems. 111 poems and 21 short poems. A very simple and lucid language has been used, images and symbols are direct yet effective and the commonness and the simplicity of the diction paves its way straight to the heart of a reader and arouses or pacifies the emotions and be one with him.
Tribhuwan singh bisht
Age Group
15+ Years
Number Of Pages