Famous Illustrated Tales (Set of 23 Books) - Krishna, Mahabharata, Jataka, Buddha,Tenali Raman, Akar and Birbal, Vikram Betaal...Wisdom Tales
Famous illustrates a beautiful collection of interesting stories with attractive illustrations; this book is filled with the world’s bestknown collection of morality tales. Stacked in 23 books, This book presents a fascinating range of characters from handpicked stories who explore various adventures and lets the readers discover the mystery of Arabian Nights, the fancy of fairy tales, the wit of Tenali Raman, learn about Mahabharata, Ramayana, wisdom and friendship stories, the magical folk tales and a lot more! A golden casket of children stories, this book rekindles the imagination and promises a joyful read for our young readers to help them learn and enjoy at the same time!
Age Group
5+ Years
Number Of Pages